
Popup Exchange PHP

Popup Exchange PHP Author

Affiliate Ad Dollars.com

Popup Exchange PHP Features

What is a Exit Popup Exchange Service?

Is a pop-behind exit exchange Program, where members can exchange visitors thru pop-ups with other members. When a surfer closed their Website, a new window is opened behind in Full Size Window.


[] Easily manage your members Account
[] Check and recorded only unique IP per day using the Database, not cookies (because cookies are not reliable and slow down the opening of a popup)
[] Real time stats For your members stats
[] Track where the traffic comes from to detect fraud traffic Manage to Add/Deduct credits For Custom package.
[] Easy to send Newsletter to your members Configurable popup rates, Discounts.
[] Built-in payment Processing For 2Checkout Payment Service.
[] Automated Add the credits to the Advertisers Account once the Advertiser bought credits using 2Checkout Payment Service.
[] The Program uses less bandwidth using optimized algorithm For faster performance.

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PLEASE Note - There is a No Refund Policy For this Product. Due to the Nature of the Order Processing and Shipping we could not retrieve the Software Back, sold as is!

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Popup Exchange PHP Price


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Popup Exchange PHP Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,BeOS,Mac,Linux,WindowsCE,Palm OS,Other Platform,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh,Mobile,Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003,Windows Vista,PocketPC,Microsoft Smartphone,Windows 7,Android

